Sunday, March 29, 2009

WWW Chocolate

The What Where and Why of Chocolate

It is said that 10 measures of deliciousness came down to the world, 9 were taken by chocolate and the last was lost. Some say a facsimile of the last can be achieved with MSG.
Rabbi Yosei says, 10 measures of chocolatiness came down to the world, 9 were taken by dark, but most people prefer milk.

Chocolate. Ranging from aristocratic to poseur to plebeian

TobleroneGlobalizedCool shape. Too thick to bite easily, the embedded almond/caramel bits will abrade the roof of your mouth.
Local Israeli version "Egozi" (notwithstanding the name, there are no nuts to be found in the Egozi).
Sweet sweet sweet. Just the right thing to keep you going during your math exam.
SnickersGlobalizedThis is what the Egozi should have been. 
Pesek ZmanIsraelHalf time. 
Kit Kat / Kif KefGlobalized / IsraelIsraeli version has thicker chocolate coat, makes separating the wafer fingers a bit mushier. Together with the prior item, inspired the immortal line about Family Purity "שבועיים פסק זמן, שבועיים כיףכיף"
Reese's Peanut Butter CupsGlobalized though not easy to find in IsraelMy childhood memory was better than the real thing. In my teenage years, I made my own version from memory, using bittersweet chocolate and real peanut butter; it ruined me for the original.
MerciGlobalizedTake along as a gift for your hosts. What's up with the german chocolate and the french name? The flavour selection is cool, but the waxy mouthfeel reminds me of crayons. Good luck on finding customers for the Marzipan.
After EightsGlobalizedChocolate and Mint. Yumm. Anytime really, but may refer to the number after which you can no longer distinguish the mint.
York Peppermint PattiesUSAIf after eights are an aristocratic rapier, York Peppermint Patties are a democratic cannonball. Prepare to be blasted awayyyy
Lindt BittersweetGlobalizedIt will make you live longer. But will you want to?
GhirardelliUS West Coast and Trader JoesEuropean mouth feel but made in USA. Bittersweet peppermint is my favorite (without a u).
Hershey's bittersweetUSASomebody tell them to stick to milk. Tastes like a grainy coffee bar.
Hershey's M&Ms, KissesUSAParty food

1 comment:

yoega said...

Excellent post, loved the cannonball reference!!!