Sunday, April 25, 2010

God Died at Auschwitz

This poem was written on the day of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust, 2010 while in Nuremberg, Germany.

God Died at Auschwitz

He chose to die with his children

And not continue ruling the world.

His ash rose up and dispersed all over the world

dust of God is Everywhere, dust of God falls

everywhere it is let, in.

God Died at Auschwitz

There is no Yahrzeit no Stone

But on Shabbat and Holidays we

stumble we fall on our face and call out

and say how much we miss Him.

And like all the dead, when we remember Him

He is slightly resurrected.

God Died at Auschwitz

At first we mourned in Awe

Passing years dulled the pain.

We tell our children tales

of His greatness and His deeds

But they’ll never really know Him

And are bored by now, anyhow.

God Died at Auschwitz

Instead of the Great, Brave, Supreme and Awe-full

now we have the small cowardly and awful

blessed be he and his name

for ever and never.

God died

Now we will execute his Will.


yoega said...

still wonder if it should be an exclamation point or a question mark on the end....

robolion said...

I'll leave it to the readers to decide for themselves.